You Might be a Minnesotan if...

"Just in case you are wondering, check out the possibilities."

You measure distance in minutes. If...
Weather is 80% of your conversation. If...
Down south to you means Iowa. If...
Snow tires came standard on your car. If...
You have no concept of public transportation. If...
75% of your graduating high school class went to the University of Minnesota. If...
People from other states love to hear you say words with "o"s in them. If...
You know what "Dinkytown is. If...
"Perkins is the only hangout option in highschool. If...
You know what the word SPAM stands for. If...
You carry jumpercables in your car. If...
You drink "POP". If...
The only reason you go to Wisconsin is to get fireworks. If...
In conversations you hear someone say "Yah sure you betcha" and don't laugh. If...
Everyone you know has a cabin. If...
You assume when you say "The Cities" people know where you are referring to. If...
You don't understand the concept of merging or staying in your own lane. If...
You have no problem spelling "Minneapolis". If...
You can list all the "Dales". If...
You know what the numbers 6-94, 4-94, I-94, 3-94 means. If...
You wear shorts when it's 50 degrees outside in March, but bundle up and complain in August when it gets below 60. If...
You have been trick-or-treated in three feet of snow. If...
When you talk about "opener"you are not talking about cans. If...
You've licked frozen metal.


Author Unknown


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