My Dixieland Childhood Memories

Tauna~Southern Princess

Southern Princess Is About Being Raised in the South and what it Means to be "A True Southern Belle"!

Great Traditions & Lessons That I Have Learned, Great Southern Women I Have Met, and Wonderful Experiences That Have Lasted Me a Lifetime!

Being a True Southern Belle is as much about Feelings as it is about Traditions. It's a Way of Life handed down from One Generation of Southern Women to another, and the Closeness that it Instills in Each of us, Young or Old, is enough to Last A Lifetime!

Some of My Favorite Childhood Memories are of the Southern Ladies of My Family, gathering together in Their Homes, Sharing Their Experiences, Recipes, and Advice.

Their Kitchens were their Meeting Places, and I can still Invision the Wonderful Sites, Smells, and Sounds, of Love and Laughter Eminating from those Sacred Spaces!

It was a Wonderful and Happy Time for Me, and I always reach back to Those Memories and remind Myself that I am part of a Very Fine and Strong Group of Southern Ladies!
They were not Faint of Heart~but Wise, Strong, and Brave Women, who were Raised to realize that in Gentleness there is also Strength, in Reserve there is also a Vast Wisdom, and that We All have the ability to make Our Own Choices. It's those choices that We in turn use to mold Our Own Lives.

I Loved Each of these Women Dearly~I am Proud and Honored to be a Part of Their Legacy, and I am Blessed to be able to carry on their Love & Traditions to
My Own Daughters!

They were and are Remarkable Women! They are My Steel Magnolias, and Each and Every One a
True Southern Belle!

This Page Is Dedicated to The Wonderful Southern Women Who Raised Me~

My Beautiful Mother~Velma Jeanne,
"My Main Constant, and My Best Friend"!

My Wonderful Aunt Bootsie~Leola Clyde,
"My Favorite Aunt, and Childhood Muse"!

My Granny Grandma~Lou Isa,
"My Maternal Grandmother, and Biggest Fan"!

& My Great~Grandmother~Martha Elizabeth,
"The Great Southern Lady I am Named After"!

I raise my glass of Iced Tea,
or Mint Julep, if you prefer,
in Your Honor Ladies!

My Interests Are~

My Children, Gourmet Cooking, Weddings, Gardening,
English & Rare Roses, Collecting Antiques, Fine Crystal, Poodles, &
Victorian Everything!

Also ~

We Have 2 Pedigree Poodles/Babies~
"Ms.Chloe'~Watson's Valentine" & "Sir Tedi~Black Knight of Creedmore"!

Sir Tedi's Father is International Champion~"Sharbelle Checkmate"and His Mother is "Victoria Regina of Creedmore"!

Ms.Chloe's Father is~"Creekfarm Little Beau" & Her Mother is "Creek Farm White Lilac"!

We Are Very Proud Of Their Wonderful Bloodlines!

Update !!!

Friday, August 7th, 1998
Ms.Chloe' Had 3 New Puppies This Morning, at 3:30 PST.
Two Black & One Reddish Brown!
Steve & I are Officially Honorary GrandParents!

Sir Tedi Is So Proud~He Just Might Burst His Buttons!
"Milkbones" Were Passed Out, In Lieu of Cigars, in Celebration!


Two of the Puppies went to good homes for Christmas!~

Cassie Poo~named by her new owners after her maternal grandmother~to a retired couple in Oregon, as a Christmas Gift from their Son, and Daughter-in Law. They were Thrilled to get Her!

Buddy ~went to a Single Retired Mother in Temecula, California. A Christmas Gift from her Daughter and Son-In-Law. He is Very, Very, Much Loved!

And of Course, Tootsie Belle ~She was the "Brown" poodle when she was born~it turns out that she was what is termed a "Party Poodle". She's two colors, Silver Body with Black Paws, Nose and Ears! Extremely Beautiful, and the only Teacup Poodle of the Litter. Steve calls her "Little Bit"~She stole Poppy's heart away, and so He got Her for Christmas~Actually We All Did!

We Just Couldn't Bear to Part With All of Them!

I was born on
Valentines Day~February 14th ~

My Daddy's 25th Birthday! His favorite Nickname for me was
"Princess", so now you know "The Rest Of The Story"!

The Art of Being a "True Southern Belle"~

"Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Spot One"!

Being A True Southern Belle is an Art, like None Other!
Passed down from One Generation of Southern Female Family Members to another, like a Fine Old Family Recipe! Only the "Female" children of the Southern Families are Ever made aware of this information. Male Southern Gentlemen, their sons and the like, have their own "Recipe" and therefore are
Not Privy to Ours!

First, A True Southern Belle Always refers to her Father as Daddy! Anything else is Positively Criminal! It is one of the First Pre-requisites to becoming a Member of this Prestigious Group, and
Taught from Birth!

Next, A True Southern Belle Never Leaves the House without Her Hair Done, and Her Make-Up On! It just Isn't done, Honey! Why I'd just die of Sheer Embarrassment if I met someone I knew out in Public, without My Face On! So don't Leave Home without It~or
Your American Express Card!

Also, and Never forget this, A True Southern Belle must always go by Both of her Given Names~First and Middle~Especially around Her other Southern Family Members and Her Friends. Have You ever been to a Southern Picnic and heard someone referred to as Mary Jo, or Willa Mae?
I Rest My Case!

A True Southern Belle Never Ever Tells her True Age! Proof of this is My Own Mother who Still Professes to be only 39, and has for
Many, Many, Years Now!

A True Southern Belle Never Loses her Temper in Public~airing your "Dirty Laundry" just isn't done! It's a matter handled only in the
Privacy of One's Own Home!

A True Southern Belle is required at an early to learn the Art of making Sweet Homemade Iced Tea, Pecan Pie, Peach Cobbler, and Banana~Wafer Pudding, as well as Homemade Baking Powder Biscuits! If she cannot, then She Isn't a True Southern Belle, and Must be Sent Back Home for
Further Instruction!

A True Southern Belle Must Always talk with a Lady-Like Southern Drawl, sort of like Scarlet O'Hara. She is never to be Brash or Boisterous, nor Loud and Undignified in Any Way.
It Simply Is Not Done!

If She Doesn't Know Whom Scarlet O'Hara is~
Then She is "Truly Hopeless" and
"Must Never Be Considered "A True Southern Belle at All"!

A True Southern Belle Must at all times Represent the Epitome of Decorum and Good Taste. But Is allowed to Gossip on Occasion with the other Belles, as long as the Men Folk, and Whom she is gossiping about, are
Not Present!

A True Southern Belle must always make her Rhett Butler feel like "He" is the head of the household, and the one Who's in Control of the Situation At All Times! Even though We Belles know who
Really Runs the Show!

Lastly, A True Southern Belle Must Always Represent the Ultimate in Elegance and Grace, No matter what the situation~ and Uphold All of the Traditions Of Being a True Southern Belle! This is not a right Ladies, this is a Privilege! Each "Belle" Owes it to her Sister Belles to Set A Good Example!
After all Darlin's~

We have a Proud &
Time~Honored Reputation to Uphold!
We Are
"True Southern Belles"!

My Family Photo Albumn~

Place Mouse Arrow Over Photos to View Descriptions

Me, Mom, and Granny Grandma~My Biggest Fan!My Beautiful Mother~Velma Jeanne!Momma & Me~Let's Play Kissyface!

Momma & Me~Waterbugs!Where did you come from?~Smile!Momma & Me~Aren't We Pretty Girls Daddy?

My First Christmas~1955~Santa's Comin'?Caught Playin' on the Couch!~Do You Like My New Dress?Just Learnin'to Walk~A Faster Way to Get Those Presents!

Nana, Mom, Me, and my New Baby Sister, Robbin!Daddy Can't Catch Me!Nana & Pop Pop~Daddy's Parents~Yankees, but Wonderful People!

Tauna~1st Grade~1961Me, Daddy, & Momma~Easter Sunday~Muskogee, Oklahoma!Tauna & Chuggy~Our Pekinese~1965

Tauna~Cleanin' the Fireplace~LaBelle Florida~1968!My Beautiful Children~Gregory James~13, Melissa Christianne~7, & Stephanie Dynae~3~1987

"Magnolia Award"
"Loved your homepage and thought it represented the true southern spirit of a Southern Belle....CONGRATULATIONS!!"

The Magnolia Award~from Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality!

This Award Was A Wonderful Surprise & Totally Unexpected.
Thank You So Very Much~
I'm Tickled "Pink"!

Southern Delights Award

This "Southern Delights" recognition plaque
is presented to your site because of the content,
appearance, and easy navigation of your pages.
Thank You Jane! I am Truly Honored!

Email Southern Princess

The Featured Music on this site is~"Missy Blue",
a Copywrited Piece Composed by Mr.Tom Williams III~"The Dreamsharer"

"Tom, Thank You So Much For Allowing Me To Showcase Your Beautiful Music"

Dreamsharer's Music

To Hear Other Beautiful Compositions, Visit Dreamsharer!

This Music is Copywrited, So Please Get Mr. William's Permission To Use It On Your Website! Thank You!

Please Leave Your Calling Cards Here~

Please Leave Your Calling Card For Southern Princess Here!

My Calling Card Compliments of Crystal Visions
Thank You So Much Crystal~It's Truly Beautiful!

Please come back and visit me, soon! I promise you won't be disappointed!

I Want Us To Have Alot of Fun Here!

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All images and content on this web site are copyrighted by Princess Bridal Designs ~ by Tauna and may not be reproduced without express permission. This web site was created & designed by Tauna M. Watsonİ 1997, 1998, 1999, which began Sept 30, 1997.(No copyright or patent infringements intended or should be inferred.)

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