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To All Women Who Were Once Religious Sisters,



Our Dreams

-to be free of labels that divide and separate us from our former communities-

-to be recognized for the roles we have played in the history of our communities-

-to help facilitate connections between former and present members-



Our Beliefs

-true healing and reconciliation will only happen when pain is resolved on all sides-

- letting go of the negative experiences and focusing on the good of our lives are essential-

-no one should feel shame in having left-

-temporary vocations are a reality in our times-

-we can help each other-



Our Listserv is an electronic discussion group dedicated to the needs and interests of former members of women's religious communities. A diverse group of women of all ages from around the world, we represent many different communities both of Catholic and other faith persuasions. By virtue of our shared unique experience, we believe that we are forever Sisters in Spirit.

While this list is primarily comprised of former women religious, in order to move toward our dreams, vowed women religious may request subscribing by contacting Elizabeth Cardinal, the list owner.

Click to subscribe to formernuns

Proper netiquette---common courtesy, discretion and avoidance of inflammatory and derogatory remarks---is expected at all times. Consistent failure to adhere to these guidelines will lead to removal from the list.

For more information on netiquette and listservs, click here!



Our Focus on


We come together


-share who we are today-

-tell our stories about the journeys we have made-

-inquire about what the future holds for us-

-reflect on our place in the history of our religious communities-

-ponder what that place might be for the future of our respective communities-



Our journeys, in part, may have brought us great strength, sorrow, pain, joy, happiness; they certainly have brought us a lifetime of memories!

Many of us have unresolved issues, some are searching; others have found their place in life and are reaching out to others, willing to share their journey and experiences.

Some may need practical help finding employment, counseling, medical care, or just learning how to balance a budget.

Others might enjoy reminiscing with those who can appreciate the unique experience we share.

Others are looking to connect with both active and former members of their communities or to make new friends with whom they can laugh or cry---friends who will walk with them, accept them, and aim to understand where they are in their present journey as well as where they have been.




How to Subscribe


To subscribe to, send an e-mail request to

Elizabeth Cardinal!


Board Members

(click on names to send e-mail)


Elizabeth V. Cardinal, list owner

Ellen Casey


A woman religious is called by God to participate in the mission of the Church and to live God’s love for all mankind in day-to-day service to His people. She may fulfill this same mission in any one of a variety of ministries. Though the mode and style of her particular service may differ, her life must be one of total dedication of self to God’s people for their spiritual and moral growth. Specifically, a woman religious (sister or nun) is a Christian who commits herself to Christ and His Church by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. She lives in a religious community patterned on the life and teachings of the founder or foundress of the community. Religious life is characterized by community life, a simple, celibate lifestyle, public vows, and consecration for the service of God and His people. The ministry she engages in will depend upon the ministries of her congregation, by the needs of the Church and its people, in areas such as: teaching, social work, administration, technical skills, nursing, etc. Prayer and ministry are part mandated of the tradition of all communities. Depending on the vision of their founders and foundresses, the charism of the Congregation, and the gifts and talents of their members, each community accents the charisms in a slightly different way. Thus, some communities are primarily contemplative while others are apostolic.


For more information about Sisters in Spirit or the listserv, click on the icon below to send e-mail!

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