FREE IUPAC Naming from ACD/I-Lab
Restrições de uso | | Esta versão free do software ACD/Labs é restringida para estruturas com até 50 átomos. |
| As estruturas não podem possuir mais que 3 anéis em qualquer parte policíclica. | |
| Somente os elementos a
seguir são permitidos na estrutura: C, H, N, P, O, S, F, Cl, Br, I, Li, Na, K. |
Note: | | ACD/Name is developed primarily with the organic chemist in mind. ACD/Name covers general organic chemistry and some natural product classess such as carbohydrates, peptides, steroids, terpenes and alkaloids. At present ACD/Name does not support the naming of complex inorganic compounds, organometallics, or cluster compounds. Users who find the limitations of the Free Naming service too restrictive may access the full ACD naming service where chemical structures that are not subject to these restrictions can be named for a fee. There is no charge if ACD/Name cannot generate the name |