Me, Myself and I
Hi! I'm Allyson Lynn. This page is obviously a page that is all about me.
First, my vital stats. I was born at about 6:15am on February 14, 1984 in the town of
South Bend, IN to
Janet and Randy. I have two sisters, Rachel and Sarah, and
a niece named Cathryn. Rachel's webpage is
The Moose Lodge. My neice, Cathryn, is four years old and is
absolutely adorable. I am in the process of expanding my family. I'm gaining a stepfather, Ralph. And with him comes
Sarah and Danny. I have two dogs named Maggie and Angus, a cat named Elvira, a turtle named Myrtle, and
My Precious Prissy Kitty. I am born under the sign of Aquarius and definitely act like
one. I'm 18 and going to college. I go to The University of South Florida in Tampa.
I'm double majoring in Political Science and International Studies. Then, I'm planning on going to law school. I
absolutely love it here. I may never go home!
This is how I would if I were Barbie. If you want to see real pictures of me go to The Hall. Turtles are Cool
SPRING light, carefree, full of life, a "people person" energetic, athletic