Modern Weddings for Busy Women!

Hello. Thanks for dropping by! This page isn't much at the moment, but I have lots of things under construction and will have lots of information, so please come back in a few weeks so see how this is progressing!

I married in April 1997. When I first began to research and prepare, 18 months prior to the big day, I discovered that there is a gigantic Wedding INDUSTRY out there. Brides, Grooms and their be-dazzled families are viewed as CASH COWS!

spinning dollar sign

Any information I came across had been written with the intention of persuading the affianced et al, to part with $. This made me feel annoyed, that the sharks were out there, wanting to gobble up those savings which should be going towards the bride’s parents retirement, the marital home mortgage etc. I also wanted to do things my way, without lots of fuss, stress and effort.

So I vowed to share my research with everyone when the day had passed. This web site will be the result!

Click here to progress to the site index. The site index doubles as a printable Wedding Planner which you can use to check things off as you do them.

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This site was established on Friday, 7 August 1998.

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Floral Divider

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