Passover 2000

This year mom surprised me. She never had trouble finding the place in the haggadah in which we were reading. She was able to read a portion out loud in her turn without any mistakes and with nuances in her voice as well. She had to correct my mispronounciations. Now who is it again who has the dementia?
Mom didn't do any cooking, I had everything bought from one of the kosher stores and yet she wanted to supervise everything including the table settings. The home attendant thought it would be nice to have a salad but it confused my father and he made me explain sedar plate to her. Poor woman. She must have thought we were all crazy. I explained it to her a few hours earlier to explain why she should not do anything with it until we were done with the other arrangements. For some reason he was NOT in his usual salad mood. Mom was the designated kitchen bouncer. That meant that she wanted to be in the kitchen watching everything and following me around the kitchen. OR she would follow the home attendant around. She wanted something to do. She seemed to enjoy telling Dad to get out of the kitchen. He kept watching and asking questions and I got tired of explaining the order of things to him so Mom found her niche. She kicked him out!

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