Greetings in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!  My name is Margaret, and this is where I share my life experiences and insights from God's Word with anyone who is interested.  It is my desire to help other Christians, especially other Sisters in Christ, find what God has for their lives; and to help those who do not know Christ find Him and discover that  He is THE answer.
What is Virtuous Women Ministries?
Create a Spiritual Journal
My Testimony
Keys for Spiritual Growth
My Life Verse --
why it may change
Virtuous Woman
Bible Study
Inspirational Poems
My Favourite Links
Virtuous Women's Fellowship:  
a place to post personal prayer requests, blessings and testimonies
Words of Encouragement
The Christian Railway: links to other Christian websites
Free Correspondence Bible Studies!
to find out more, click on the shield
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Proud Member of
The Roses of Sharon
click on the picture to find out more about these ladies!
I would like to express my thanks to the ladies of ROS with this picture:
In Memory of those who lost their lives in Columbine High School, April 20, 1999
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