Peace Corps Friends

Crescent Island

Left to Right: Brad, Deb, Erik, Lynnsie, Mickey, Luke, Alison (super short), Dave, Katrin, Cheryl, Kevin, me, Laura, Ros


Mighty Fruits

Deb and Mary at the market in Kampala


Maasai Manyatta

Volunteers Left to Right: me, John, Danny, Steve, Ted, Chris, Darcy


Safari Girls

Drinking dawas at Carnivore - Tina, Deb, Allison, and me


The Mara Challenge

Starting with Annie (in front wearing red) and going clockwise:

Annie, Mark, Steph, Tory, Allison, Laura D., Tina, Brad, Deb, Laura M., Stacie, Patti, Katie K.

Standing in back: Mike, Christine, and Myriah

STILL not enough pictures for you?