Seguin, Texas

District 2-S5
Lions Clubs International

Officers & Directors | Club Projects | Community Service | Lions Links | More Information


We congratulate two Seguin High School seniors Frank Igansiak and Ashley Winters. They were chosen as our scholarship winners for this year. Frank was present to receive his certificate, and we send our wishes out to Ashley as she is busy showing others what makes her such an outstanding teen! Way to go!

The Seguin Sunset Lions Club meets at 6:00 PM on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at All Occasions Catering, 2424 W. Kingsbury Street - Seguin, Texas. See map below.

***Board Meetings are now held the second Thursday of every month immediately following our regular program at 6:00 PM at All Occasions Catering, 2424 W. Kingsbury Street - Seguin, Texas. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings, and may also use as a make-up for missed meetings.

Old Officer/New Officer Orientation

Join us on Thursday, July 17 at 6:30 pm. at the President's home for our orientation. This will provide a chance for the outgoing officers to turn over their folders and information regarding their office to the incoming officer. We will also review the budget and other goals set forth for this new year. Remember - we're working together to build a better tomorrow!!!

2001 - 2002
Club Officers & Directors

President Lion Debie Hanna
First Vice President Lion Cynthia Points
Second Vice President Lion Janet Ignasiak
Third Vice President Lion Holly Burton
Secretary Lion Teresa Krause
Treasurer Lion Priscilda Rodriguez
Tail Twister Lion Roxanne Heckmann
Tail Twister Lion Robin Campbell-Kunkel
Lion Tamer Lion Jack Hampton
Directors Lion Lynn Bolf
Directors Lion Toni Winters
Directors Lion Toni Winters
CHEER Person!!! Lion Holly Burton
District Zone Chairperson Lion Beth Bauchman
Past President Lion Patty Hampton

Texas Lions Camp Trip!!!

Many thanks to the Seguin Noon Lions Club for putting together such a wonderful bus trip to Texas Lions Camp in June. We sponsored diabetic and disabled children to Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, for a week of fun, fellowship, learning and growing - all at no cost to the family. Please contact us if you know of someone who could benefit from this, so that we can give you all the details and requirements. Last year we had 1,600 campers.

Habitat for Humanity Lion's House!!!

The Seguin area Lions Clubs are teaming up to build a Habitat for Humanity house on Elley Street in Seguin. We made a committment to Habitat both financially and physically, and starting this spring, you'll find us swinging the hammers, laying the tiles, working on the roof, and whatever else needs to be done to make a family's dream home come true for them. This is a great opportunity for a family who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford a nice quality home - and they'll even be helping us build the house!!! The Seguin Sunset Lions Club scheduled workday is the FIRST SATURDAY of each month, excluding July, from 8:30-3:30 pm. Habitat will provide all the tools and instructions, we just provide the ready hands and hearts to work. What a way to SERVE!!!

EASTERFEST 2003 A Success!!!

Cynthia Points and her committee put together a fabulous effort to make this year's Easterfest another smashing success! This is our major fundraiser of each year and Cynthia outdid herself with numbers greater than any previous year. Yeah! Don't miss next year's Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, complete with games and prizes for the whole family, in addition to a silent auction, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and a hearty breakfast provided for us by All Occasions Catering.


Club Projects & Activities

Community Service

Seguin Hippotherapy • American Red Cross • Guadalupe Valley Violence Shelter • Christian Cupboard • Homespun Early Childhood Intervention • Seguin Activity Center • Seguin Road to Recovery • Seguin Outdoor Learning Center • Seguin Junior Miss Program

Lions Links

Need to find a Lions Club, contact a fellow Lion on the Internet or learn more about Lionism? Check out these sites!

Go to Lions Clubs International Go to LionNet USA Go to LeoNet
Go to LionNet Go to LionNet TEXAS Go to LeoNet USA
Go to Multiple District 2 - Texas Go to Texas Lions Camp Go to Texas Lions Foundation


For more information about the Seguin Sunset Lions Club or how to become a member of this or any other Lions Club, please register in our Guest Book or contact Lion Debie Hanna.

Map of Club meeting location

MEETING LOCATION - The Seguin Sunset Lions Club meets at 6:00 PM on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at All Occasions Catering, 2424 W. Kingsbury Street, Seguin, Texas. Guests are always welcome to attend, no invitation needed, so come see what fun we have!

Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM, at All Occasions Catering, 2424 W. Kingsbury Street, Seguin, Texas.


Contents of this Web Page © 1998 Debie Hanna, Seguin Sunset Lions Club, Seguin, Texas USA & Lion Frank Pickens, District 2-X1 and MD2 Internet Chairman, Carrollton, Texas USA.

® The Lions emblem (logo), the words "Lions", "Lions Club", "Lions International" and "Lions Clubs International" are all registered trademarks of Lions Clubs International in all parts of the world.

® The name "LionNet", the slogan "On the Net We Serve" and the layout of the word "LionNet" as written in golden yellow letters of the Arts&Letters (c) "Heritage" font or any font belonging to the "Goudy" (c) font family are copyrighted by Lion Ilkka Siissalo, Lions Club Espoo/Meri, Finland and Lion Robert "Bob" Willis, Lions Club Calgary / North Hill, Canada and the LionNet International Administrators.

Please click here for additional information on the copyrights and trademarks of Lions Clubs International and LionNet International.

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