
This section is sure not going to do anything to bolster my self esteem. It is actually quite embarrassing. It involves a woman in her seventies who, for some reason, thinks I'm the cutest thing in the entire world. One afternoon, while I was manning the lottery machine, this woman enthusiastically began yelling, "Oh, you are so cute. So cute. Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?" I'm still made fun of for that to this day. I have also heard many an interesting story about this woman, who I will call Cutesy. Apparently, the Silver Fox was out on one of her many Girls Nights Out at a restaurant that featured live talent. While the Silver Fox was dining on roast pheasant smothered in a red wine, she heard a strange screeching noise. She looked up in confusion and saw Cutesy, dressed in a tight, sequined dress, belting out a soulful tune. According to the Silver Fox, Cutesy was so horrible that a group of elderly patrons, dressed completely in black, grabbed Cutesy from the stage and locked her in a supply room. She was eventually discovered in the morning, singing to some rats.

There will be more here at a later date.