TraveL KinG

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Dear Ledies and Gentlemen !

TraveL KinG


e have the honor to introduce our travel company “Travel King” 

ur companies have been working hard in the tourist market as outbound and inbound tour-operators.

ithin the period of two years joint activity with foreign partners and Russian businessmen we have been treated as reliable, stable, highly professional and competitive companies.

urrently we provide a wide range of high quality tourist services according to our clients’ precise requirements :


  • Traditional Group and FIT services;
  • Tours over St. Petersburg, Moscow ;
  • The Golden Ring of Russia – Visiting Unique Russian Towns;
  • Russian Tsars’ Residences in Russia and Finland;
  • A Unique Range of Tours and Unconventional Excursions for Expert Groups and Individual Services;
  • VIP and Incentive Tours;
  • Accommodation at the Best Hotels of Moscow / St. Petersburg for very competitive hotel rates;
  • Any Kind of Transportation and Experienced Multilingual Guides and Interpreters;
  • Theatre Tickets;
  • Train and Plane Tickets;
  • Theatre or any other entertainment can be offered in any time.

e are proud to represent ourselves as a company carefully tailoring all the services to our clients’ needs and a unique group profile.

ur catalogue contains certain information about hotels, museums, palaces, theatres and sights of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities. We hope it will help you to choose the program that suits you best of all. We tend to cooperate with our clients and compile our programs especially for you, taking into account your slightest wish.


ur aim is to give you maximum of pleasure, providing the highest level of service, for minimal expense.

Yours Sencerly

Malik Shahbaz
General Director

Hotel  Centralnaya  Òverskaya, 10  Office 439, Moscow 103009, Russia

Phone/Fax:- (7-095) 292-2136, 790-7246

Mob:-         (7-095) 7283839                  
