Baby G's Story

December 1995

My Story.....

I still grieve for this baby. A very much loved and wanted baby and I will never be able to replace him/her.

It was December 21, I was 12 weeks pregnant, and I was watching a Christmas programme on TV.... I went to the bathroom and noticed that things were not right and I just knew what that meant.

I went to the emergency doctor and they took a pregnancy test, which showed that I was still pregnant.... so I went back to Mums.

I woke at 4am with cramps and the spotting was worse..... We called the hospital and they said that there was nothing they could do, but we went anyway. I was seen quite a while after I arrived, but they couldn't confirm anything for me.

I finally went to the ward at about 9ish, but I wasn't given a scan, and by now the pain was unbearable. I had to push to get medication on the advice of my nurse. They couldn't make a decision about my treatment, until they knew if my baby had died, and they would only know that by a scan..... I had my scan at about 10.30am and after a while the operator told me that he couldn't find a heartbeat. I couldn't watch the screen as they looked.

I still had to wait to go into theater, because of emergencies.....and I was in sooooo much pain.

At about lunchtime I was given a D & C, and went home at 5pm.

I hated the way I was treated at that hospital, and complained, only to be told that they wouldn't have been able to save my baby anyway. (I was complaining because of the treatment I received, not the fact that they didn't save my baby).

I found out that they could have called someone in a 5am to scan me, which would have meant I could have been out of there before the other emergencies came in....But I believe because of funding this wasn't done.

The next few weeks were really hard and I spend alot of time just sitting on the floor crying for the impossible. I had nothing to "physically" grieve for and I'm sure people didn't understand why I was so upset. I lost a part of my family that day...and I will never 'get over' that!


Please visit my family

Acacia's Page - Prem

Cayleb's Page - Prem

Bree's Page - New Addition

Riley's Page - Angel in Heaven

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