Under construction.....please be patient
I've started working on these pages so many times and couldn't make up my mind how to organize them.  Well, this is it.  All of the buttons below will take you somewhere.  The poetry pages will be divided into 2 sections.....those I wrote myself and those written by someone else.  There's a family album of me and my family and a button that will take you to some of my short stories.  The Friends page will chronicle those people I've come in contact with, those I care about, and a little bit about my best friends' wedding...LOL...no pun intended.  The Links button will take you to a page with links to other survivor pages.  The About button is just that.......all about ME! and my journey to healing from childhood sexual abuse.  (PLEASE BE AWARE those pages may be a trigger for some.)
Enjoy yourself and come back often.  I'll be updating every chance I get.
Marsha Roper
February 11, 2001
Graphics by::
Please visit  She has some really gorgeous graphics that are linkware and available for use for free....all you need do is put a link to her site on each page you create.