so you had me now....I can't run.  From my focus. Still be with me, inside down to me in the fashionable way. Oh it goes down inside me....and I feel more and more, afraid.I need to let you guide..feeling so ashamed...feeling so afraid.
I let go.
I push up,
Close my eyes feel the shame inside me for having turned away from you.  I give up all the worst things I've ever done, felt inside to hear your whisper know your call. Come on now...I gave up please don't give up on me now.

Staring straight ahead and turned obsene come down to teh shallowest of lives.

Dont' give up onme now ....cuz its only one life.  Shout out for more, hold me as I pick myself dripping of the floor. Cover my head with your heands.

Its not too late to let go, oh and if if I could only konw what waits for me. The horizon past the trees.  I don't know what to I fall down to my knees.

Forgive me I'm just a girl, who is trying to figuire out what she is suppose to do.  Dont' hate me when I do things I kown I should do.  I only want to find my home again. where my heart and my sould belong to you.

Shout out past the days gone by. Shout out past the tears in myeyes.  Shout out and dirft away tonight.  Take me away, tamek away...oh everything comes back again like the softest rain falling down on my skn.  And should I want to cry the hardest tonight I konw I will feel my taht moment that moment i begin to breath and sing out and shouted out and crawed upon my knees.