
The stuff in this picture means something!

Name: Amphithea. Also Ammie, Ammie-wan Kenobi, and Queen Ammie- dala. Has been known to answer to "Jailbaiticus" :)

Age: Innocent beyond her years.

Preferences: Ewan MacGregor (who DOESN'T?????) Autolocus, and, for a brief ill- begotten night, Loki. We don't know why.

Likes: Filing cabinets (in the WORST way!), Star Wars (gooood Ammie....), and English teachers. *achem*

Ammie is basically a good girl gone bad; her friends are a shocking example of how low her tastes have fallen. The scum of the Underworld (admittedly that cancels it's self out) are some of her closest confidants. Upon further inspection, this was deemed a good move, considering how the "wholesome" gods on Olympus like to behave, especially around cute little mortals with red hair. Her marraige to the king of Theives seems to be a happy one, and she finds her current career of filing for Hecate (that's ME folks!) to fulfilling. Her words: " doesn't suck, I guess." Eloquently spoken, we all agreed.

How this innocent stumbled into our midst, I'll never know- oh wait. I went to school with her. NEVERMIND! What's really fun is sticking Ammie next to Belit and playing a rousing game of "Label the Redhead". Look. Lot's of Dead people here. We get BORED. Sure, they're nice enough, but they're DEAD people!!!! Not a lot to talk about! It all starts out "When I was your age...!" and it always ends with "...uphills! Both ways! And we ENJOYED it! You damn kids today...". Nevermind the fact that, with a few obvious exceptions, I'M ONE OF THE OLDEST MEMBERS OF THE UNDERWORLD!!!!! But we just open the damn gate and let in any cute PERKY REDHEAD IN WHO WANTS- oh dear. Here comes that nice man with the needle. Anyways, Ammie's cool, and you have to be nice (ish) to her, or else you get several varieties of Death Goddess climbing a ladder to jump up yer butt. Thank you.


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