Well, well well! Look who managed to plop down in the hot seat this week! This was originally Andromeda's (no, not that Andromeda!) rock, but since the whole "rescue", the place has looked a little..well, bare! So we've humbly decided to use it as a spot to poke fun at our dearest friends! HA! Please understand that being put up in here is a sign of honor, and there's no point in going off half- cocked about it. Now that I've disclaimed, feel free to explode! Now, let's see who we've all chained up today?!
And the winner is.......!
NUTMEG! *crowd goes wild* Why you ask? Why that's simple! Because she goes on in the center of the page for several miles and has a stripper friend named Melissa! We love our widdle Nuts, so we have to exploit her weaknesses to their fullest examples! She's just so darned CUTE! Wanna see? Here's a BABY picture!!! Just CLICK and see! Wel, that's all for now, but I WILL be updating this! For more on Nutmeg, go here and read ta yer little heart's content! We LOVE you Nutmeg!!!>:D
Just wait! Someday YOU might be chained to The Rock as well, so try not to laugh too hard!
This is a disclaimer: It is a sign of love and affection, to end up here, so try not to rip my ass off, huh?