Group Shots

These are a series of pictures I'm working on; everyone participating in an Elusian Mystery, I guess. I dunno. There will be more eventually, as I hope to get all of my friends in here. Be forewarned; there are a few topless pics. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I personally have fought too long and hard for myself to believe that the human form is anything but beautiful.
Here's Nutmeg
Here's Persephone. Be warned. This is one of the afore mentioned topless pictures.
Here's Hel.
Here's Celena.
And Leuce..

This is my currently tiny tribute to one of my favorite cult classics. The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Give it time. It's not done yet. Soon. I hope. They will eventually be colored and finished.
Here's Hel as everyone's fav drag star, Frank.
And here's Nutty as Columbia. C'mon. It's perfect for her and you know it.
And, as if you couldn't see this one coming, Seph as Janet.
And Fen- Chris as Rocky! Weee!
And here I am as Magenta. This one and Fenny will be re- drawn, nad there are several other characters who are waiting to be born in my sketch pad. Soon, my pretties! Soon!

And here's a lovely full-color by Serendipity. Ain't she cool?

Here's Seph, me, and Styx as rendered by Persephone. In't it enough to make you sick?

These are a really old series I did of bellydancing...I need to re- do 'em. They suck, but that's not neccesarily a bad thing...:)
Here's Seph breakin' her groove thang....
Here's Hel running with knives....
Nuts shakes it. Hard.
Jess' me.:)
Cruesa looking less than impressed.:)

These are a series of pics I've been working on gradually. I have two in my account, but Hel is floating around online somewhere too. I just have to find her is all. There will be more soon. I hope.
This is me as a baby. I was always happy, from day one.
And here's Nutmeg. Ain't she cuuuute?