This is the P.O.V of Hades' reluctant queen and my personal friend. All though she's so fucking popular now maybe I should set up a booth and charge admission to see her.:)
Here is (one of many) a site maintained by dearest Belit- Sheri of the Trapped in Podunk, USA people..she's S'POSED to be back from vacation soon, but everytime I try to get a fix on her, all I can hear is "Dueling Banjoes". Pray she avoids Deliverance, USA, huh?
This is the realm of our dear little violent, ass- kicking Helly-Hel! She'll kill me for this description, but eh, even an immortal only lives once. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. And there usually are. This is a great realm to chill in; muchas eye candy, she's probably one of the best fanfic writers out there, and she has this whole delightfully... pissy aura going on. Go there. NOW!
Here is the casa of Naya; the Underworld's resident freak show. No kidding. I once offered her an obol if she'd bite the head off of an imp. She said yes, and did it. And then gave me the money.
Oh. And she's Hades' bodyguard, or some such nonesense. That's what she tells everyone so it doesn't look like she's mooching too much off of dear ol' dad. >:) There? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW???
This is a Gargoyles page maintained by our faboo Serendipity! Why? Because we like her! It has wonderful art, and several genres of fan fiction. Definately worth a peeksie.:)
This is the kick ass Hades'Angels page made and maintained by dearest Belit....who is currently shacking up with THanatos, but SSSHHHH! No tell- ee! FLIBBLEFLIBBLEFLIBBLE! Of course, Belit- Sheri sucks Rimmerdick and will continue to do so until she removes a rather inflammatory statement she made on the Spinning cats...>;)
And here is Xao, our Celtic transfer soul's addition to the mold farm down's a great page, and make sure you follow the links and check out The Midnight Diner....this page ROCKS!
This is the homepage of the goddess of Wildthings. Very nice, and I personally do a double take everytime I see her name linked with his....
Here you will enter Cruesa's pad.... this is a terifically pissy page, and it's maintained by a frighteningly talented goddess by trickery. Check it out. She's cool.
Enter into Arachne's Web...HEY! NO STOMPIN' ON THE EGG SACKS! Hmmph. Mortal AND a loser. THe Odds! OH THE ODDS! Anyways. This is Arachne's sight, and it's AWESOME. Hey; another Darth Maul fan! I can respect that! Now the question is: Did I type this correctly?
Here's where the Underworld Prostitution Ring/ Janitorial Closet is located...check it out. Great premise and wonderful art; worth the trip.