What if the first thing Buffy ever knew of Angel...was Angelus? Incomplete
New 6-28-03: Part one!
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. But you already knew that.
Rating: PG-13ish
Content: A little B/X, then B/A, and all AU
Spoilers: Vague and general from beginning of the show through first season Angel - absolutely nothing specific, as this is AU. Begins in the equivalent of early season 3, except Angelus has been a villain the entire time.
Author's Notes: Yup, I finally did an AU story. I'm not partial to AU stories in general - way too often, they seem to have nothing to do with the characters we're familiar with except for having the same name. So, I decided to take the AU concept my own direction, with a premise where characters might be almost the same…or, they might be very, very changed.
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