Once upon a time, I came up with an idea for a series of fan fiction stories. The basic idea was that all possible fictional worlds existed as one. The central character was a young woman by the name of Colleen Cunningham who I had created when playacting with some of my friends. The stories were going to be written in the style of a journal.Journal of the Observer
and other related stories
Before I knew it, not only was Colleen jumping from world to world, other characters I had created began making guest appearances in other fan fictions. Soon I had created a world of stories and characters that was taking on a life of its own. For want of a better name, I began to refer to these as the Journal of the Observer World, based on the series that held the many tales together.
Over time, I have to admit I have gotten confused on occasion. I'm sure you have, too. Events from various stories take place in certain orders, and events from television shows got shifted, omitted, or altered. To help you, the reader, and myself, I have finally compiled a timeline of the events that take place in this ever-growing world.
1753 - Adam (Methos) and Liam (Angel) meet in Galway, Ireland - To Days Gone By
1753, One night later - Liam becomes a vampire - BtVS: Becoming Part 1
March, 1996 - Robin Cunningham's parents are killed by vampires - We Do What We Can
January, 1997 - Colleen Cunningham meets T'zara - Journal Begins: Lady T'zara
February, 1997 (?) - Buffy moves to Sunnydale, CA - BtVS: Welcome to the Hellmouth
Spring, 1998 - Ashara's first death - The Ashara Chronicales: Beginnings and Endings
May, 1998 - Angel is sent to Hell, Buffy runs away - BtVS: Becoming Part 2
June 30, 1998 - Colleen meets the "Scooby Gang" (minus Buffy and Angel) - June 30, 1998: Sunnydale
May, 1999 - Angel moves to L.A. - BtVS: Graduation Day Part 2
June, 1999 - Robin and Angel meet - We Do What We Can*
March, 2000 - Robin is married to Jonathan Baker - We Do What We Can
May 22, 2000 - Angel and Methos meet again in L.A. - To Days Gone By
May 26, 2000 - Angel returns to Sunnydale - Coming Home
May 26, 2000 - Kenneth arrives in Sunnydale - Coming Home, Demon Hunter
May 27, 2000 - Angel regains his humanity - Coming Home
July, 2000 - The month of demons ends - Demon Hunter
August 2000 - T'zara and Methos' reunion - Not yet written
December 2000 - Richie dies - modified Highlander timeline**
December 16, 2000 - Buffy and Angel's wedding - Holy Matrimony
**On the Highlander timeline: because of how events worked out in some of these stories, everything in Highlander did happen...just shifted several years in the future.
Hope this helped some people make sense
of my Journal of the Observer World. It certainly helped me
keep straight what happened when!