Welcome to the Home Page of
Central New Jersey alumnae chapter!!
The central New Jersey alumnae are planning another great year!  Please refer to the events calendar below often to note any changes.  We are a diverse group of women who have a lot of fun every time we get together.   Our members live throughout Central New Jersey and were initiated at schools including American University, Delaware, Michigan State, Rutgers and West Virginia. We hope that you will join us!  Please refer to the Officers section to contact us.
Officers Membership
Chapter History
Founders Day
News and Announcements
*  Click here to read the latest edition of "Hannah's Update".
*  Congratulations to Nicole on her appointment as Region 1 alumnae specialist!
*  Best wishes to all the graduating seniors.  Don't forget to contact
Michelle regarding becoming  an alumnae member of Central NJ chapter.
* Good luck to Nicole and Cheryl as they represent our chapter at Convention, June 21-25 in Orlando, FL.
Delta Gamma Local Chapter Links:
Delta Gamma EO Links:
Delta Gamma Home Page
Delta Gamma Well Aware
DG Tech
DG News from EO
Epsilon Psi collegiate chapter @ Rutgers
Epsilon Psi house corporation
Delta Gamma Region One
Region One collegiate chapters
Local Philanthropic Links:
NJ Library for the Blind & Handicapped
The Seeing Eye
Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic
Have you forgotten to pay your dues or are you interested in becoming a member of the Central New Jersey chapter?  You can send your dues to Michelle, our vp: membership, and you will be added to our active roster today!  Dues fulfill your financial obligation to Executive Offices.
Updated on
Contact us with your suggestions and feedback.
The information provided on this Web site is intended for use by Delta Gamma members only.  Delta Gamma Fraternity does not accept responsiblity for misuse of this information by non-members and states that use of this information other than its intended purpose is strictly prohibited.