For your listening pleasure there is an on/off switch
at the bottom of this page for the music.

~Foxy's Expressions~

Well Hello There and as the sign said; "Welcome To Foxy's Expressions!" I am so happy to have you here and hope you will enjoy my little card shop so much that there will be many returns. I am very new to having a card shop but am planning to learn more to one day better serve you with more variety. Hope you will find here the type of card your looking for to send to that special person in your life. If your here to pick up a card please do so at the link below (view a card) then use your browsers back button and you can send that person a Thank you card in return if you wish.

Friendly Smiles, Foxy~

Want to send someone special a card?
Click on the link below to choose a card to send!

Send a Card

Here to pick up a card?
Click on the link below to view your card at Foxy's Expressions!

View a Card

If you should have any questions about my card shop or any problems please email me by clicking on the button below.

The Back button will take you back to my family page
(IceFox's Smiles Across The Miles)
if that's where you surfed from.

The Home button will take you back to my new page I am still in the process of creating called, "Womens World Of Expressions". Please go see what I have so far.

Please take some time and sign my guestbook. I would love to hear your comments. There is also a gift there for you.

Thank you so much for choosing Foxy's Expressions! I hope you will return back often when you need to send someone a special card or note.

Page created and maintained by: Foxy~
September 7, 1999

Selected music is: Friends Forever