Welcome to

Dispatcher Babes

Mystical Dreams of Hope


Background Sets, ICQ Greetings, POW/MIA,

Police Memorial, Poetry, Greeting Cards, Java Applets

Domestic Violence, Missing Children,, Puppy Mills,

My Wildcats :-) and so much more... 

Main Index Page

 I love working with graphics, so be prepared
for a very graphical website. Some pages will
take time to load and I hope you enjoy them
as much as I enjoyed creating them.

[Visit Oska]

Please sign my Guest book, I love hearing from
Cyber Travelers...

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Email basebabe@bellsouth.net

Entire Website and Graphics © 1999 - 2000 
Web Magic a.k.a Dispatcher Babe

You may take this background and use it, but please
download it to your hard drive. Do not link directly 
to this website. Use the below logo to link this 
background to this site. Use the following URL:


This website was done in my own words,
from my heart... Third Voice notes are not.
