The Seed of Love
The seed of love which you planted
in my heart,
grows a little more each day.
From the instant the loving seed made my heart it's home,
there was no chance of it ever being blown away.
For in the garden of life there
is no greater seed,
than the seed which is grown out of love.
An angel brought us the seed to grow and to cherish;
a true gift received from God's heavenly skies above.
Your seed is lovingly nurtured
and cared for,
as it is caressed by every beat of my heart.
lt grows inside me, and l feel my heart swell with love,
as it becomes one of God's most beautiful works of art.
This tender seed will grow into
a beautiful flower,
which will stand so proud and so strong.
As l will forever make it feel loved and secure,
as deep within my heart it will always belong.
When it's petals finally open,
and the seed of love blooms,
l will be your loving gardener for evermore.
And feel blessed that God has answered my prayers,
by giving me the love, my heart has always been waiting for.
Pamela Hall
14th May, 1998
My mind might begin to fail,
and my body become so frail.
l could even lose the ability to speak,
as every part of me becomes so weak.
The sight in my eyes could disappear,
and l could no longer be able to hear.
All senses could go; l'd never feel a touch,
or be able to smell the flowers, l enjoy so much.
My heart could become so very
that it struggles to find every single beat.
So difficult it could be for me to able to breathe,
as the air in my lungs thins, and begins to leave.
But there is one thing that life
can not control;
it is unable to take away my cherished soul.
For my soul will always remain in God's care,
as it transcends the earth, through wind and air.
Pamela Hall
15th May, 1998
(l am semi-disabled with muscular
dystrophy, but this has nothing to do
with my disease. Just making a point that no matter what happens
to our
mind and our body, nothing can ever destroy our soul.)
Hugs Pamela, how right you are...nothing, or no one can do that...
We may no longer be together,
as you're not here with me anymore.
But l still feel you deep in my heart,
just the same as it was before.
For l could never forget my love,
or my beautiful memories of you.
And l know that even in Heaven,
you still recall those memories too.
When l gaze up at Heaven to you,
and you look down on me.
Our smiles light up the whole sky,
for all of Heaven and Earth to see.
Our love will always live on,
as our souls will forever be connected.
God made our cherished souls immortal,
so our love for each other, would be protected.
Knowing that you are at peace,
brings comfort to my sad heart.
And l know God will take care of you,
now that we are apart.
Until we are together again,
and sharing our heavenly home.
l will always have my Angel in Heaven,
smiling down on me, and never be alone.
Š Pamela Hall
20th May, 1998
l gaze lovingly at my child peacefully
and feel an Angel gently tug at my heart.
l know she is watching over my precious child,
as l can feel her ambient warmth in the dark.
An Angel of the night, sent by
to bring my child some Heavenly slumber.
The look of serenity on my sweet child's face,
confirms all my faith, in God's Angel watcher.
As l tenderly kiss my child, and
turn to leave,
l feel the Angel smile, and nod to me.
For she knows that l feel blessed, and at peace,
knowing that God loves my dear child, unconditionally.
Pamela Hall
21st May, 1998
Visit Pamela's Site :-)
Angel of the HeaŽt
Background by Jonathon - Fantastic Art at his site :-)
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uploaded 5/21/99