Enjoy what you have.
Finish what you start!
Hold on to your dreams.
Admit when your wrong.
Take time to exercise!
If your too busy to have fun,
you're too busy.
Read every day.
Even though you've been hurt,
keep your heart
Let go of friendships that hold you back
growing and succeeding.
Put your goals in writing.
When you feel sad, realize that it's temporary.
If you can't change the situation,
change your
attitude toward it!
Listen to what your body tells you.
Don't waste time regretting the past.
Let go of super-high standards for yourself
others.You CAN be happy in an
imperfect world!
Get the Relaxation and Stress Reduction
and USE IT!
Let others know when you're angry with them, and why.
Take time to laugh everyday!
SHINE even if the sun doesn't.
Simplify your life.
Go somewhere you've never been
Make people more important than possessions!
Never put your life on hold.
Don't waste time worrying about the future.
won't change a thing.
Visit someone who's lonely.
STOP criticizing your body
Decide that as long as
you exercise a reasonable amount,
and eat
reasonably well, that's good enough!
Put the past in the past.
Don't compare yourself with others.
Rest when your body tells you to.
Seek out the good in every situation--
and you'll
find it!