Brittney's Message of Love

By a Teen for Other Teens

Brittney loved basketball

Friends and parties too
And when it came to painting
That's all she wanted to do

She painted all she saw
Birds, flowers, and the sky
Some days she sat
Painting everything passing by.

She began feeling woozy
 Her muscles ached a lot
Because her parents worried
They took her to the doc

 The doctor took tests
 To see if everything was okay
But when the nurse came out
This is what she had to say;

 "I'm sorry it's leukemia,"
"You have a few months more."
Brittney ran out of the room
And slammed the office door.

 She ran down the street screaming
And cried her eyes out dry
And stayed up all night
Wondering what it's like to die

 Her parents held her tightly
And said, "We love you,
What's your dearest request?"
To hear a lover's "I love you".

 Brittney and her parents moved
To live by the sea
Brittney loved the ocean
And that's where she wanted to be

 She spent her days painting
 And wading up and down the bay
 One sunny day she made a friend
whose name was Jay

 They collected seashells together
 And talked about all kinds of things
 While walking in the waves
 He handed her a ring

He said, "I love you.
Will you be mine until I die?"
When he slipped it on her finger
 She began to cry

 "What's wrong?" he asked.
 "We only have one month more. "
 He said," No matter what, I love you.
 You are the one I adore."

They spent the days together
 Doing all they could
Brittney was growing weaker
 As they knew she would.

Brittney painted her picture
 And gave it to Jay
 She said, "Remember me
 and the love we share  today."

 He held her hand and heard
"You are my  true love,
But soon I must go.
I'll watch  you from above,"

When Brittney's body was lifeless
 She was holding Jay's  arm.
He  whispered her a promise
that  she'd be safe from harm.

 "Thank you for our time
We did so much we wished to do
You won't be here tomorrow
But I could share love with you."

Love is everything to everybody.
Without it, the world would end
Please tell someone you love them.
A parent, a lover, a friend.

Everyone deserves an "I love you."
That's Britteny's wish yesterday..
Everyone should say "I love you"
That's Britteny's lesson today.