
Why am I content to sit here on hold?
What makes you think 
I will stay on hold indefinitely?

We have, after all, installed call waiting.

What if you keep me on hold and 
I pick up the next call?

Would you stay on hold to wait for me?

Sylvia Edwards



Love Match

Loving you is like playing tennis alone.

I lob ball after ball into your court,
  but none is ever returned

Your score is love and I would win,
  but I think I prefer closer matches:

where the advantage changes 
from court to court.
Sylvia Edwards


You are a cocklebur of my soul
 In a careless moment of reckless abandon
You burrowed your way deep beneath my surface
 Before I was aware of your presence
You prickled and tickled me to respond
 In irritation I worked you back to the top
You assumed a guise of dormancy
 Until after another moment of thoughtlessness
You drifted back below my guard.
Sylvia Edwards