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Web Hunt 3: Learning English on the Internet

Note for Teachers: This page is designed to be used online in combination with the Englishlernen Online web pages. You might find it useful to print this page out so the students can fill in the blanks.

Your Name: _______________

  1. Write your own Alanis Morrisette style lyrics at the Brunching Shuttlecocks site.
    What was the title of your song? _______________________________
    Which words did you enter?
    How does the chorus go?
  2. Go to and write a review in English of a book you have read.
    Which book did you review? ____________________________
    What did you say about the book? ____________________________
  3. Try adding books to the shopping cart, click on the shopping cart icon to see a list of things you have chosen. Choose "Empty shopping cart".
  4. Go to Aardvark's Flags and Countries Quiz
    How many of the flags did you already know? ____________
    How many flags do you know now? _______________________
    Write down all the country names (in English) that you can remember from the quiz:
  5. Learn some slang at Dave's ESL Cafe
    Which new slang words did you learn? What do they mean?
  6. Join in an English learner's voice chat with
  7. Add a chapter to a collective story at The Communication Station.
  8. Learn some British and American English equivalents.
  9. If you enjoyed this web hunt, try another Treasure Hunt for English Language Students
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