What are the 10 best excuses for being late for school ? Find out right now !
1 - My brother ate my homework and I had to manually extract it from him.
2 - My mother's car broke down so I had to walk to school.
3 - My fish had a heart attack!
4 - I got up late and got my clothes on quickly, then I dropped hot cocoa all over myself, my mother's car wouldn't start so she deserted me at mcdonald's and I just HAD to have one of their muffins. So anyway, finally the tow-truck came to get the car and it brought it to the garage. My mother and I had to take a taxi to get here. When my mom looked in her purse to pay the taxi driver,she realized she had forgotten her wallet in the car, so he drove us to the garage and then my mom payed him. She drove me back to school and I paid him. Then running up the school stairs, I tripped and fell and my finger hurt so I went to the nurse's office to get a band-aid... ect.. ect.. ect.. make up a LONG story.
5 - My alarme clock got stolen.
6 - My sister stuffed a sock down my throat and I couldn't breathe so my mom took me to the hospital.
7 - I got high on my scented markers and was rushed to the desintoxication camp where I stayed for a couple hours.
8 - My mother wouldn't give me a ride so I had to use the city bus and I took the wrong one.
9 - Teacher: Why are you late? Your answer: cause my alarme clock didn't go off so I missed the bus and I had to run all the way to school and it took me so long cause it's a long run and I fell and scrapped my knee....
10 - Teacher: Why are you late? Your answer: Uhh.... I don't know??!