Welcome to the FANTASY KINGDOM

Welcome.. take a seat my friends. would you like to take your wet clothes off and warm up by the fire? Step this way- over here. Let me warm you up some hot cocoa and I'll tell you a story.. a Fantasy story...

The story begins on a dark July evening...
2 men wait impatiently at the top of a hill, perched on their midnight horses- starring into the darkness, wide eyes open. Finally, a third man appears and all three of them descend from their horses.
"Sorry I'm late." says Havier, a short stalky bald man wearing rags.
"We've been waiting." Gazeem answers. He strokes his deep black mustache with his long pointy fingures.
"Where is it." He continues. Havier looks at the third
man and says, "I've got it, but first- hand me  my reaward.."

I've changed a couple things in this famous Walt Disney story, if you can guess what the original story is- please send me your name/age and your name will be added to my winners list! Thank you very much.

This is my representation of a fairy kingdom. I did not paint this but I think it's absolutely beautiful

Pick something... and blast off!

Fantasy Index - Fantasy Castle

Exit Fantasy
- Kids Korner

Haunted House - The Beach

Jelly Bean Online !