Zeta Phi Omega Sorority

Kingsville, Tx 1998-2002


Through the years, we shared so many good times and have made so many memories. We have gone through the Omega Pledge Class, the final letter in the Greek alpabet. Ironically, as we ended one chapter, we beagn a new one as the Gamma Zeta chapter of Theta Phi Alpha. Although our name changed, our bonds of sisterhood never will. This is dedicated to remembering where we came from


Volunteering for the the Women's Center


Celebrating Black Heritage Month


Bum Week 1999


Pi Pledge Class


Rho Pledge Class Fall 1998


Salvation, Iris, Brandi, Araceli, and Sandra Volunteering at the Recycle Center


Salvation, Barbie, and Araceli having fun at the Recycle Center


Araceli, Adriana, and Barbie at South Texas Leadership Summer 2000


Barbie, Maggie, and Araceli swimming Summer 2000


Chris, Barbie, Jason, and Salvation Zeta Formal 2000


We made this flag for a spirit contest.


Barbie and Miss Debra at Zeta Formal 1999


Cheli and Barbie at Highway Cleanup 1999


Katie, Cheli, Irene, Kelly, Barbie, Brandi, Brandy, Jessica

Zeta Formal 1999


Angela, Cholly, and Barbie at Zeta Formal 2000


Barbie and Adriana 2000


Links to other sites on the Web

Amanda's web page
Zeta Link 2
Zeta Link 2
Zeta Link 2

***2002 Executive Officers***

President--- Stacie Meza

Vice-President--- Kennie Alaniz

Secretary--- Jennifer Yanez

Treasurer--- Cholly DeBeau

~~~2001 Chairs~~~

Pledge Educator---Araceli Avila

Community Service---Tamara


Miss Marylou Pena---Advisor