Pokemon is story about a boy by the name of Sitoshi(Ash) struggling to acheive his dream to become a Pokemon master. Along the way Satoshi(Ash) not only shares a strong bound with his Pokemon but wins the friendship of two of the trainers(Kasumi/Misty & Takeshi/Brock)
Of course those of us who watch Pokemon know who the real stars should be..and that's way this part of the page will have pitchers of the characters I belive should be and always are in the spotlight!
Team Rocket and my favorite Pokemon!
To protect the world from devastation, To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love, To extend out reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light,surrender now, or prepare to fight.
Meowth! Thats Right!
That's all the pics I have for now! Come back latter and look for me, but for now head on back to the Monster page or the Red Candel.