- This is my roommate at school and one of my oldest and closest friends. She's about the only person in the world that I could live in a ROOM with and not want to kill. We've been friends since 7th grade, when Naomi was just a good little girl who didn't like people that said "hell." I managed to corrupt her quite nicely. I love her very much, but she apparently is angry at me for something. I'm trying to work it out.
- Mike is one of the most intellegent, interesting people I have ever known. Mike's an old ... friend (?) ... from Montana. Mike and I have a strange relationship. We didn't really like each other when we first met, but we started talking about Beat writers and kind of bonded. However, it wasn't until a crisis in his life in November that I was there to listen to him work through that we were really "friends." Then, we suddenly became something else. I don't know if we're dating (we're not - neither one of us does long-distance relationships), "special" friends or something else. It's midly frustrating.
- Cindy is the closest thing I have to a best friend. We met when her former best friend was dating one of my friends. Her former best friend thought that I was sleeping with her boyfriend (which I wasn't) and hated me. However, now she and Cindy don't get along, but Cindy and I are tight. It's kind of strange how your friends evolve. Anyway, Cindy is incredibly intellegent and has lived *far* too much in her 19 years of life, so I'm trying to give her a second childhood.
- Korie is a very cool girl from California who I met at school. She came her a lot more innocent and restrained than she used to be. She's kind of going through some growing and changing pains, realising that the person who she used to be "was only what they wanted me to be." I'm really proud of who Korie's becoming.
- George is my ex-boyfriend and the first person I fell in love with. We broke up almost a year ago because we were going to school on opposite sides of the continent and we couldn't try to hold up a long-distance relationship. He's dating a really nice girl now, and I'm acutally happy for him. He's very weird around me now, because he thinks that I'm still in love with him. I'm not. I still love him (and I always will - you never stop loving your first love), but I am not *in* love with him. I always thought that all of that was bullshit, but there really is a difference.
- There are actually two Dennis' in my life, but you'll definately be able to tell them apart. Dennis in Washington is the person that I am dating right now. Ok, basically, we started sleeping together very suddenly (like, on our frist date) after being friends for a little while. We're dating, but neither of us is exactly sure what's going on. Anyway, he's from Guam originally, he's very cute, and he's a very good, kind person. He's the first "good boy" that I've dated for longer than a couple of weeks.
Stanford Dennis
- The Dennis that goes to Stanford is one of my oldest and dearest friends. I love him very much and he's like a brother to me.