Welcome to YenNhi Le's web site on Geocities.com. This web site has a historical attachment with both my career life and personal life. Therefore here you'll find the site having both personal and professional contents. I started this web site while I was in college, built it up throughout those years in the Computer Science lab. Indeed, it has gone through some evolution, but still has to go through more in order to move up to a higher level.
The goal of this website is not limited to the solutions I can provide, the products I offer, but also the updated and helpful resources for you, plus some of my thoughts and writings, and some links that I find of interest.
Professional Profile: at LinkedIn
My Facebook
Email Me at:
My Yahoo account
Business Solutions Business Solutions TECH is a value-added partner
with Cisco, Canon, Microsoft, Oracle, Sony, Olympus, Intel, Seagate, and Western Digitals products.
Our technology focuses: system analysis, application implementation and customization, network design and server maintenance, digital imaging, retail and POS, security and compliance assessment.
E-Commerce Integration & Online Business Solution
Decide to bring your business online? Need consultation on a web service or e-commerce solution? We have Software as a Service (SaaS) technology to bring both front and back ends of your business online.
No hardware needed
No worry about server downtime
Customizable to your business process, functional departments, and growing
Bring your HR and Accounting online for effective business and personnel