I have got an award from Norway again. Thank you Elisabeth and kitties!
You can read in my guestbook the kind words they have written about my site. If you can read Norwegian. (giggle)
This award comes from Isabella who lives with cats Sam, Delilah and Leslie Anne and Jacqlee, the Cat Lady. Fank you furry much! (I am not very good at speaking kittenish).
Billy is a Norwegian forest cat who actually lives in Norway. He sent me this award as a surprise. Thank you very much, young Billy!
I am the "Link of the week" on the Kattomani-site. I am very proud. (Vi har blivit utsedda till "Veckans länkare" på Kattomani-sidan. Vi blir hemskt stolta, nästan malliga.)
I have got an award from an ITALIAN cat, Penelope Pislow. We are getting more and more international. Thank you, dear Penny.
This award was given by Cesar, the newest member of the Swedish section of the Black Cat Club. Thank you Cesar and your "mom" Jenny. Cesar is a BIG cat. Have you ever seen such a tail?
Runtell, the cat, from Canada sent me this award which makes me very proud. He calls my site amazing! Wow! Runtell, you have an amazing site too and much bigger than mine. Visit him, cats!
Sabrina is the newest member of the Black Cat Club. I got this award from her just for being BLACK! So all you black kitties, apply for this award. Oh, and thank you a lot, Sabrina. We black cats must stick together.
Smokey sent me this friendship award which made me very happy. Smokey is a member of the Black Cat Club and a dear friend on the net. We have so much in common, we look alike and we think alike.
I got this award from Nisse, a Swedish cat, just like that. Thank you Nisse, I like your site too!
Just before Easter I got these awards from Midnight (a black cat!) and Mz Kitty. Thank you a lot!
Oh good, Levi and Dusty like my site!
Thanks to Ulla for this Mozart award!
Misse Puh, thank you for liking my site!
It is so very nice to receive awards unexpectedly. Thank you Gustav and Bagheera!