I, Hugo Katt, have my job. I am a churchyard cat. I look after my church and churchyard, drive away all strange cats, catch a lot of mice and voles and see to it that all is well in every way. I inherited my job from my mother, who was the churchyard cat here before me. When I was six months old my mother became ill and she went away and died. Sometimes I attend a human funeral, even if I am not invited. I donīt think anyone takes it amiss and Matte says that I am at least suitably attired (in black fur and a silver collar)

My church, built 1100something

It happens that we have snow, as you can see. I am not fond of snow. But the job must be done in all kinds of weather, sun or rain, mist or storm. Strong wind is what I like least of all.

I have caught a mouse Churchyard cat

Clawtree Resting

One must keep one's claws sharp to be able to catch mice and to climb trees. There is nothing like using real trees for that, really nothing!
After all hard work I need a break in the shadow of the church.

Caretaker Kjell

Luckily I have help with the gardening. Here is caretaker Kjell driving that big noisy thing which I never go near. He seems to like it.

Hugo's banner


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