My Story

girls walking away This page is a page of healing.

Two years ago my life fell apart. Until then I had been a very lucky person. I thought that I had escaped from childhood relatively unscared. I was academically gifted, studying physics at university. I had several good friends and few worries.

Easter 1997 changed all that. I was on a camp when I first remembered my father hurting me. That night I met for the first time a scared little girl. She was radiating terror as a stove radiates heat. I couldn't get close to her as I was afraid of getting burnt by her fear. She couldn't speak much. The only words she said were "she is me" but I had already guessed that she was a part of my childhood.

It took me six months to learn to listen to what the little girl was telling me. When her story came out it made me feel sick. I didn't know much about incest at that stage and I didn't believe myself. During this period I was having many flashbacks to when I was abused. Over time I was able to put them all together. I have written a poem that sums up what happened to me. WARNING: it is not a nice poem to read, it deals with abuse very bluntly, so keep yourself safe if you want to read it. Here it is.

This page is a work in progress. The story I have told you is only a small part of my life. There is much more to me than the poem and the story of my abuse, which is even only partially written here. Come back often to see if I have updated it.

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