Heidi Jo

Heidi Jo Powers was born on March 10, 1979. She graduated in 2001 from The University of Michigan with a double major in Theatre Direction and English.

Heidi and I met during our freshman year at The University of Michigan when we lived in "The Virgin Vault," otherwise known as Stockwell Hall. We were brought together by a common love for theatre, a common hatred for Theatre 211, and (cringe and prepare thyself), the movie Titanic. Yes. Our friendship is the best thing Leonardo Dicaprio has ever put together.....God's eternal joke on us.

Heidi is currently in California (sniff, sniff), working as the Assistant to Managing Director of Will & Company, a Los Angeles-based Shakespeare theatre.

Some of Heidi's favorite things include:

Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
cobalt blue
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Billy Joel
theatre, theatre, theatre!!!

Some pics to come soon:
Rude Mechanicals' All in the Timing party
Freshman year at Stockwell
Crabby Dicks in Canada
Post Brentley bliss (with Brent, Chris, and Matt)
2001 Graduation at the Big House
and more....