My Ferrets

These are my ferrets I adopted in July of 2002. They are both about one year old and are brother and sister. Dala is the darker, smaller, female ferret and Mr. Jangles is the lighter, larger, male ferret. Both are neutered and descented. They love to play with anything I tell them not to, and while they won't eat most of the treats I buy for them, they love to play with the packaging they came in. Dala is the escapee and she will find a way out of anywhere she is put. I've had to modify the ferret gate a number of times because she always seems to find a way to get over it. Mr. Jangles is more laidback and likes to chase Dala around in circles.

The Ferret Owner's Manual

My Fishy

This is my Betta fish namded VHS.