Information for parents of teens with depression

  1. First, I'd like to say that I am soooo glad to hear about all of the parents who truly love their children and want them to get better. I'm so proud of you guys!

  2. Second, I don't really know what to tell you, since I'm not a parent (which is good, cuz I'm only 17 :o). But I'll tell you what I would like my parents to do for me: be supportive of me, and listen when I talk. Not harp on me for getting a 96 in Advanced Placement Calculus. Not yell at me because there is stuff on the floor in my room. Not make a huge deal out of everything (like a 15 minute drive once a week to take me to art class). I would like them to try to help me and not contradict themselves every five minutes. I would like her to respect me when I say "I don't want to talk about it". I would like to stop hearing the words "I told you so". I would like her to pay more attention to me than the dog. I would like them to stop threatening to hit me, ground me, or take away priviledges because I am sad. For more, visit What to do/What NOT to do.

  3. Third, since I don't know what to tell you, I went on a surfing binge (hehe) and found a bunch of websites to help you guys out!

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Last update: April 8, 2001