If you are experiencing domestic violence you are probably scared and overwhelmed. You may not believe that you have any choice but to stay and endure the abuse. You may be blaming yourself for somehow causing the abuse. And if you have children you are probably worried about their safety and emotional well being on top of everything else.
You don't have to go through this alone. There are people who can help you. Some domestic violence victims are lucky to have family or friends, co-workers, or their church/faith community to turn to for support. Many others are not so lucky. Anyone can turn to La Casa for help, anytime. We have a 24 Domestic Violence Crisis line. If you need to just talk, get some information about domestic violence and what your options are, or if you want to come into the shelter, please call us.
Here are the services you can receive from La Casa:
*Crisis counseling and supportWe also have a batterers counseling program, which focusses on accepting accountability for violent and abusive behaviors and teaching alternatives to violent behavior.