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Introduction to the bookletIslamic resurgence in the past two decades has affected the lives of Muslim all over the world. It has prompted among many of the Faithful a renewed endeavour to understand the meaning of Islam as a comprehensive way of life (al-din). We believe that women and men who constitute the ummah must participate as equal partners in this noble effort. We are concerned over certain attitudes towards women prevalent in the Muslim world today. From its very outset, Islam was a liberating religion that uplifted the status of women and gave them rights that were considered revolutionary 1400 years ago. In spite of this founding spirit, Muslim practices today often oppress women and deny them the equality and human dignity granted in the Qur'an. Our research has shown that oppressive interpretations of the Qur'an are influenced mostly by cultural practices and values which regard women as inferior and subordinate to men. It is not Islam that oppress women, but human being with all their weaknesses who failed to understand Allah's intentions. It has been a liberating experience for us to return to the Qur'an and study Allah's actual words in an effort to understand their true meaning. The Qur'an teaches "love and mercy" (Al Rum, 30:21) between women and men, that "men and women are like each other's garment" (Al Baqarah, 2:187), and that "be you male or female, you are members of one another" (Ali 'Imran, 3:195), and that "men and women are protectors, one of another" (Al Tawbah, 9:71). It is this spirit of equality and justice so insistently enjoined by the Qur'an that guides our efforts. We now wish to share our findings with our sisters and brothers in the hope that together we can create a world where equality and justice may prevail. |
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