Hello and welcome! You've managed, by some means, to drop into a webpage owned by Senior and Cadette Girl Scouts of the United States! This webpage is undergoing a dramatic new change. Links are flying everywhere, so please bear with us!

Our Council does not allow us to sell Girl Scout cookies over the internet. If you are wishing to sell cookies, you will have to check us out a booth sale.

Currently, you can go to the following links:

See what is new and happening!

Check out our calendar of things that are going to happen!

Click here to see what IP's, short for Interest Patches, our troop is working on currently!

This is a fundraiser one of our girls came up with! '52 Ways To Use Your GirlScout Cookies'!

Our troop is going to Europe in 2001 - go here to see the latest news on that expedition!

Any questions?

people have visited this site!

Last updated: 3/11/2000
(C) Of Girl Scout Troop 841 and 4841