I am an avid admirer of Hans Silvester. His photographs are beautiful representations of cats living freely in Greece and other parts of the Mediterranean...His three current publications are as follows...."Cats in the Sun"...."Cats of the Mediterranean"....and "Asleep in the Sun". Calendars are already available for 1999. I have purchased mine and cannot wait for the year to end....!!!!  I am planning to have the photos from his 1998 calendar framed for hanging in the new year. I found one large-sized framed photo that I have hanging in my living room, but I'm desperate to find more photographs in a large-sized format. I have searched the Web long and hard and can only find sites on this amazing man that sell his books. I would love to find out more about Hans Silvester and if he has any other work out there...also I would like to hear from other people who admire this artist!

asleep.gif (7601 bytes)

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catjump.gif (5957 bytes)

These books will inspire a trip to Greece or anywhere in the Mediterranean!!!!!