"The Premier Performance Database for Greater Philadelphia" according to them. Search here for info on bands, performances, etc.
A really wonderful site that lets you find tour schedules for specific performers, dates in specific areas - whatever mix of info you want to customize your musical planning. Also lets you add your events.
Has lyrics and chords for tons of folk songs. Right now, this site seems to be down, although the old one (http://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/digitrad/titles) that directs you to this one is up and running.
Currently outdated, as all the folk festivals mentioned have happened already, but most of the websites now have pictures of the events...
A web ring for all pages folk-music-related: performers, clubs, people who like folk music... This page is really just the how-to page for joining the ring, but you can jump to a random folk-music-web-ring site from here, or get the list of all the sites in the ring.
Let me know what you think of my Miscelleneous Music Links page, or tell me about sites I've missed: