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Here You'll Find Everything That's Me

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Hi! My name is Keith Becker. I'm 36 (ugh!) years old, and live in the great state of New Jersey. I've actually lived here all my life, and actually like the area, despite the stories you usually here about New Jersey.

I'm a Database Analyst with the American College of Physicians in Philadelphia. We are a large, prestigious membership organization for Doctors on Internal Medicine. Check out our web site if you're interested! Its a great job for me, as my main hobby is playing around with anything relating to computers. This way, I get to go to work seven hours a day and get paid to do what amounts to a hobby! This web page is my first foray into having a web site, so it will be interesting to see how this develops.

I'm still single, but hopefully some day the right person will come along. Right now I have to split my time among my friends, and my dog Chelsea. (And Yes, that is a baby aligator I'm holding!)


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E-mail me at: kbecker1@geocities.com

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E-mail me at: kbecker1@geocities.com

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