Hello all!
    I know that many of you have been wondering about my email signature, so I think it's about time to let you in on the purpose behind it.
    Most of you already know that I've had high blood pressure since before 1995.  I woke up one morning and walked around the house stumbling over my feet wondering what the heck was going on.  It had been four days since consuming libations.  I just didn't feel well.
    I went to Dr. Powell's office.  When my turn came to see him, the first thing he did was my blood pressure measurement.  It was 200 over 120!  He said "Boy, you sit down before you have a stroke!"  My head was so dizzy that I didn't mind his abruptness.  Even in the midst of all that, I was well aware that he had my best interest at heart.  The nurse soon appeared with a yellow pill that was larger than an aspirin but not one of those horse pills.  That was the beginning of what promised to be a long time of taking medicine.
    After many years of the side effects of plastics and gels in my stomach, I've had considerable pain in my stomach region.  The pills and other foreign matter in my stomach had taken its toll.  I began to cry out to God to show me a way to just alleviate the constant "stabbing pain" in the center of my body.  Finally, some relief!
    As I searched the internet (specifically Google) for "hypertension relief -pill", I was amazed at the many websites that were returned.  But one site caught my eye immediately.  That site was created by a Christian and I was drawn to it by the sheer fact that a follower of God was astute enough to create a website referencing hypertension!  That Christian is named Adrian Mathews.  His website revealed an alternative to the daily "downing" that I was forcing myself to do!
    I stumbled across just what I was looking for!  I was introduced to herbs as a child.  Grandma had many home remedies up her sleeves and I was convinced of the effectiveness of many of these remedies personally.  One, in particular, was Sassafras tea!  Colds never had a chance around that stuff!  But, alas, Grandma is no longer with us and I must fend for myself in the remedy area.
    I was well aware of the affects of mushrooms in my college days.  Some of my hallmates swore by their effectiveness against migranes and other minor ills.  Yet, upon reaching maturity, I, as many others, was swayed to the conventional medicines as my source of relief from major bodily complications.  Still, I was convinced there was something else I was overlooking.
    Lingzhi has been around for some time and I have done some background study on the mushroom.  The studies that are available now were certainly not around back then.  The scientific name for the formidable fungi is Ganoderma Lucidum.  Now, Google and PubMed have plenty of research available and ready to download for your inspection.  But yet, actually making a conscious effort to procure the product for myself took some though.  Still, the desire to rid myself of capsules won out and I typed in my name, address, etc., to receive the free sample.  When it arrived, I was in awe!  Something in this little package will keep my blood pressure down?
    The feeling was as cool water over my chest.  I'm talking IMMEDIATELY!!  Just as immediately, I began to praise God for what was surely to become my deliverance from bondages and ills of modern medicine!  To this date, my lower number has not been above 90!  I have been relieved!  My pressure has always "leaned" toward the high side even as a teenager.  The course of conditioning your body to Ganoderma has been mapped to 5 years.  This is a journey I am most grateful to Gano Excel, and more importantly, GOD, for leading me to!
    I cannot experience what has undoubtly become MY MIRACLE without telling others.  Jesus admonished ONE MAN, that I can remember, not to say anything about the miracle HE performed for him.  Jesus directed ME to SHARE the KNOWLEDGE of this product with everyone!  The ravages of HBP (High Blood Pressure) need no longer be an inhibitant to a Fruitful and Joyous Life!
    Now, rather than worrying about a capsule or pill (although I would never advocate total abandonment of anyone's advice of a Physician, note even my own) everyone who suffers from HBP can safely (and rapidly) ELIMINATE the "H" and spend MORE TIME PRAISING THE LORD!!!
    So, if you want another alternative to pills for HBP, go ahead and CLICK BELOW and THANK GOD FOR IT!!