WWW - Wooph's Web Wesidence

Welcome to my Web Page

My name is Lee. Here's a picture of me I took with my camera phone in November, 2004. (It's the most recent one of me that I have and it also shows my graying facial hair.)

Wooph in Office

Look here to see another picture of me taken near Chattanooga, TN. I am a gay man and have been seeing my boyfriend, Brian, since November, 1999.

More pictures

Bearland Pic of Wooph Steve & Wooph & Tim Brian
Me at the Bearland Lodge in Gatlinburg, TN Me and my boyfriend, Brian, at Atlanta Pride 2001 Our friend Steve, me, and Tim (my ex-lover) outside the Red Lobster (May 1998) Brian at Atlanta Pride 2003

See pictures of my travels around the USA and at home.

My dogs: Mack and Casper

Casper, the Westie

Mack, the Cairn terrier

Casper, the Westie

Mack, the Cairn Terrier

Mack at 3.5 months

Mack at 4.5 months

Mack at 11 months

Casper, the Westie, at 3 months

Old Pictures of me (very old pictures)

Sound Listen (.wav) to Wooph's hearty welcome (Southern Accent included at no charge). (~53k) or listen in .au format and now available in REAL AUDIO format (~4k)

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I'm a 46 year old partnered, gay Jewish male (birthday: 10/09/1962) living in Atlanta, GA, USA, home of the 1996 Olympics and the 1995 Major League Baseball World Champion, 1996 and 1999 National League Champion, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 and 2002, 2004, 2005 NL East Division Champion Atlanta Braves. Atlanta is also home to the Atlanta Hawks and the 1998-99 NFC Champion Atlanta Falcons and the NHL Atlanta Thrashers. See a map of Atlanta.

I'm originally from Charlotte, NC, USA and I went to school at UNC-Charlotte (class of 1984).

I work as a Computer Programmer/Analyst (official title, Computer Specialist ) at The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the CDC, I used to work on the CDC WONDER Project. CDC WONDER is a collection of queryable scientific data -- check it out. I now work as a Database Administrator (DBA) on CDC's internal administrative systems.

What I do in my spare time: watch TV, theater, movies, play piano (just for fun), work out with weights (just for fun), cooking, eating, Bears, C&W music, playing on the computer (IRC /nick Wooph), play with my dogs Mack and Casper.

What makes Wooph tick?
I'm not a big believer in horoscopes and astrology. But I once did a free astrological chart for myself. It's fairly detailed and (from my point of view) gives a pretty good description of my personality. See for yourself.

I like Bears and Cubs. What's a Bear? A Large, Furry Man. What's a cub, you ask? A cub is a smaller version of a Bear, though some people call us thinner versions of a bear an Otter ; I prefer Cub, myself.

This is where I get the name Wooph from. Wooph is a variation on the spelling of Woof. Woof is a positive exclamation from human type Bears.

BEARS Visit the BEARS Web Site

Bears & Muscles. Yum!

For those of you who know the Bear Code, my code is:
B4 f t- w- c+ g+ k- m e+ r-

Of course, my page is always At work Under Construction. Let me know if you have any suggestions! If you're interested in knowing more, E-mail me or sign my guestbook. If you'd like to chat with me on IRC, I can be found on EFNet and Undernet as Wooph.

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Last Updated: Thursday, October 9, 2008