I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome. As anyone with this disease can tell you RSD is a life changing experience. We all are harder to live with and at time have trouble living with ourself. However with this page I hope to share my own experiences with RSD and give links to other pages out there that aim to do the same. I, as almost every other person diagnoised with RSD have made it a mission to educate people about this disease so few know or understand. Thanks to a few great friends that have been helping me update my web pages. Its been a long time coming, however with the problems caused with having RSD start up im my right hand and wrist after an on the job injury in March of this year, my online time has greatly decreased.Now, I'm finally able to start updates on my sites. But, due to being accepted into a Rehab. Center that will help me re-learn how to function with the problems with both hands, and with any luck get me back in a four year college and inable me to find work I can do with my disABILITIES I didn't have time to update all my pages, this being one of them. As soon as I find access in Hot Springs I will finish updating my pages.

My history with RSD? Its long and I will have it up soon.

Here is a list of pages that
touch on the nerve disease
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome.

Pain Institute in Chicago.


Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association


Med-Library information sorce to RSDS.

More Links to come. If you have a link that has RSD information. Or if you you are an RSD patient with a homepage up please mail me and I'll be gald to add your link.

Please remember this information and sites can not replace medical treatment. Take what you find here and share this with your doctors. They may learn from the shared information.

Here is my link to our very own Webring, The RSD Ring.

This RSDRing site is owned by Hoper. Click for the [ Next Page | Skip It | Next 5]
Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

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